Electric Ukulele Build

Finished Pictures

I have to say that the way this came out is beyond my wildest hopes. I’m REALLY pleased with it. It is surprisingly resonant, and seems to play nicely in tune. I haven’t found any dead or ‘off’ notes yet.

It sounds just like an acoustic ukulele when it’s plugged into a clean amp, but of course you can crank the gain up and play the top 3 strings like a guitar – that high pitched 4th string catches me out though.

Thanks and congratulations to anyone who has made it this far through my ramblings.


finished instrument

back of body

back of neck

front of body

12th fret close up

neck joint close up

(Note to self: Should have cleaned the paint off the end of that binding…)

general view

general view of back

view along fingerboard

body close up showing reflection

bridge closeup with reflection

headstock general view

neck scarf joint close up

Even my glue and sawdust filler came out OK. I think I got off lightly for my inattention!

repaired area

the body